Thursday, September 19, 2013

Pure Speculation About the Physics of Time

While the focus of this blog is the human experience of time, I could not help wondering about quantum mechanics and Einstein's ideas. 

While I admit to being a rank amateur when it comes to modern physics, I have taken 6 semesters of physics and also 6 semesters of higher math, i.e., algebra, trigonometry and calculus.

So at the risk of getting way over my head, the following idea occurred to me as I worked on this blog.

#1. Everything is in motion

Atoms vibrate, your heart beats, your blood flows, the Earth turns on its axis, the Earth circles the Sun, the Sun's hydrogen atoms become helium atoms in a fusion reaction, the Solar System orbits around the center of our Milky Way Galaxy, our galaxy is moving toward the Andromeda Galaxy, and the Universe itself is expanding. Nuff said.

#2. Motion by definition requires time

Merriam-Webster's dictionary defines motion as "an act, process, or instance of changing place" and changing place can only happen over time. Since motion means that something went from one point to another, movement can only happen during a period of time. 

#3. Time is part of matter, not separate from it

Since time is a requirement of movement and everything moves -- from atoms to the Universe -- it is quite likely that time itself is an integral part of matter, not just something that exists separately from matter. In other words time is not something that matter moves through, time is an essential element of matter.

#4. A concept of matter-time might bring new insights

While most of us have gotten accustomed to the Einsteinian term 'space-time', we might want to consider a new term, 'matter-time'. And if time were factored into the equations of modern physics as part of matter, the results might be quite interesting.

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